Since you can clearly see from my lack of blog posts how un-savvy I am when it come to social media, I thought I’d try to up your opinion of me by sharing my new knowledge of “viral videos.” Ooooo very impressive, eh?
So I learned about viral videos in my Online PR class (the same class I write this blog for) and a couple weeks ago we watched some of the more popular ones.
For those not in the know, Wikipedia describes a viral video as “a video that becomes popular through the process of Internet sharing, typically through internet media sharing websites.” Videos can include televised comedy sketches, but with the abundance of personal video cameras and camera phones, more and more videos are posted online daily.
One video, done by T-Mobile in Trafalgar Square, featured a spontaneous sing-a-long to the popular Beatles song, “Hey Jude,” sung by 13,000 people as part of T-Mobile’s Life’s for Sharing Campaign.
Here’s the link, I can’t figure out how to make it clickable though! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orukqxeWmM0
The event seemed really cool and such a special thing to be a part of, but I couldn’t help but notice that so many people were talking on their phones, texting, or tweeting. Yes, the campaign is about sharing, but at the expense of living in the moment?
By being tied to our Smart Phones and posting every single detail of our lives, I feel like you’re letting life pass you by. You should be creating memories for yourself, not trying to remind everyone else how in the loop you are. Put down the phone silly people, and just sing your heart out!
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